Thursday, August 9, 2012

The driver with no insurance

What if the other person has no insurance?
            The uninsured motorist is truly a menace on the highway, but if you are hit by a driver with no insurance, all is not lost.  Every automobile insurance policy in Maine is required to have an uninsured motorist provision which provides that if you are injured by the fault of a person with no insurance, you can collect for your injuries from your own insurance company.

            This also applies if the other person has insurance, but his policy limit is too low to cover your claim.

            The fly in the ointment in all of this, however, is that you only get protection up to the amount of uninsured motorist protection you added when you purchased your auto policy.  Usually the UM policy limit will be the same as your underlying liability coverage, but it is possible to save a few dollars by taking a lower amount which is A BAD IDEA!  You could find yourself with serious injuries and be unable to get enough to even begin to cover you medical bills, not to mention lost wages, pain and suffering, etc.

            The minimum UM coverage in Maine is $50,000, just the same as liability coverage.  IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that much higher limits be purchased.  A minimum of $100,000 for both liability and UM is a must with $300,000 or more being much better.

            If you have questions about uninsured motorist coverage or any other issue about injury claims, call us at 1-800-999-LEGAL(5342) or order our free book at

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