Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Will My Car Insurance Go Up?

Worried About an Increase in Insurance Premiums?

Some people who call us wonder if pursuing a claim for an injury which they received in an accident will result in an increase in their auto insurance premiums. In light of all of the shenanigans which insurance companies employ to increase their profits it is no wonder that people worry about this.

The answer, however, happily, is simply, no. In nearly 50 years of representing accident victims, I cannot recall an instance where an insurance company has penalized a person who has been injured in retaliation for making a claim.

Of course the claim usually involves the insurance company for the person who caused the accident, so in that case the injured person’s company would not be paying anything and would not have any good reason to go after their own customer. Sometimes, however, where the guilty party is uninsured or underinsured, the claim is indeed against the injured person’s own insurance company. Even in these cases, though, there is little chance that there will be an increase in the premium.

Short story: Call Lowry & Associates, 800-999-LEGAL(5342), or contact us on the web, www.lowrylaw.com , without fear of paying more for your auto insurance.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, Don. There should never be a time when a customer claims for his/her benefits that the premium he/she's paying will go up. That is, unless he/she is undercovered by the time the accident happened.

    Fe Penley
