Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Brain Injury Accidents

Traumatic Brain Injury A blow to the head, a frequent occurrence in a motor vehicle accident, often results in a concussion and sometimes in a traumatic brain injury (TBI) which can totally or partially incapacitate the victim. Until now only specialists were trained in the treatment of TBI, and as a result many patients did not receive prompt and appropriate treatment resulting, in some cases, to unnecessary long-term complications and disability. Now the Obama administration in partnership with U.S. medical schools will begin to include information on the diagnosis and treatment of TBI in their curriculum. So far 105 medical schools and 25 osteopathic colleges have promised to make traumatic brain injury a part of their curriculum. Suffering a TBI can never be good news, but at least now there may be more hope for light at the end of the tunnel.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    This misuse of credit card info is not restricted to outright theft, such as using a stolen card number to run up a slew of purchases.
