Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Workers Getting Ripped Off

Another Wage and Hour Claim I am always amazed to read about the number of cases involving underpayment of workers under our wage and hour laws. It makes me think that there must be many instances of this sort of violation going unreported right here in Maine. My suspicion is that many, probably most, of these occur in workplaces with national or regional ownership where the same violations are taking place in multiple locations. If you or someone you know is being denied the full benefits of getting paid for all hours on the job or for getting overtime pay for hours in excess of 40 in any given week, then call and ask for me personally, and I will be pleased to set the wheels in motion to recover all of the back pay which is coming to you. What brought this to mind was the recent settlement of a lawsuit by employees of the Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles. The workers claimed that the hotel failed to pay for time preparing for work and taking off uniforms which were required to be left at the hotel after each shift. In the settlement the hotel agreed to pay $2.5 million to about 1200 workers who worked at the hotel from 2004 to 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    The workers claimed that the hotel failed to pay for time preparing for work and taking off uniforms which were required to be left at the hotel after each shift.
