Monday, March 26, 2012

Accident amputations

Loss of a Limb
It is self-evident that loss of an arm or leg in a car crash or in an industrial accident can have a profound impact on the lives of accident victims and their families. It often means the end of a career or loss of the opportunity to pursue work opportunities and often prevents a person from pursuing favorite activities or hobbies.

However, even the amputation of a finger or toe can throw off balance and impact mobility in a number of life-changing ways.

When pursuing a claim for the loss of a limb it is important to have a lawyer who is alert to all of the ramifications of how this affects the life of the victim and who is proficient in making every aspect of these losses clear to the insurance company or to a jury.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Concussions, the Unseen Injury

A person who is in a car accident or falls on ice or another slippery surface quite often gets a bump on the head. If this happens to you, you may not think much about it and figure that the bruise will go away in a day or two and that will be the end of it.

Even though you may not realize it at the time, you may have received a concussion which can be a serious, unseen injury. If you or someone you know has been in an accident in Maine involving a blow to the head, it is important to watch out for any of the following symptoms.
• Loss of consciousness
• Confusion
• Headache
• Nausea or vomiting
• Blurred vision
• Loss of short-term memory
• Repeating the same thing over and over

Although some of these symptoms may seem minor, it is important to call your doctor. If the symptoms are severe, such as repeated vomiting or loss of consciousness for more that a couple of minutes, you should go to an emergency room without delay.

The best way to guard against a head injury when riding in a car is to wear a seatbelt with a shoulder restraint. If you or someone you know has been involved in a Maine accident, contact a Maine accident lawyer at Lowry & Associates, or get our free book to have your questions answered before you decide to call a lawyer.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Drunk Drivers are Still out There

Hit by a drunk driver?

We all make mistakes, but the drunk driver who caused your auto accident and your injuries did more than make a mistake. He made the choice to drink and get behind the wheel. With all of the information about the effects of drinking and driving that has been made public by Mothers Against Drunk Driving and others, there can be no excuse for this reckless conduct.

The drunk driver who hit you may be faced with a criminal charge, but it is important that he also be held responsible for the many losses that go along with being injured in a car accident. Most drunk drivers who face charges or who are involved in an accident have driven drunk many times without getting caught.

You should be sure that your medical bills and lost wages are paid for as well as what is fair to compensate you for the disruption and pain that you have had to endure. This is not only fair for you, but also sends a message which may make others think twice before drinking and driving.

For many years your injury lawyers at Lowry & Associates have been helping those who have lost a loved one or who have been injured in a motor vehicle accident caused by a drunk driver. Call us for free advice on what you should do, and get our free book to find out all of the information you should know before deciding on hiring a lawyer.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Protect Your Kids from Pedestrian Accidents

Precautions to Protect Child Pedestrians

The second leading cause of injury-related deaths among children aged 5 to 14 is pedestrian accidents. Children in this age group are at risk and need special protections because of both their size and the fact that their cognitive ability is still developing. Lowry & Associates, your Maine injury attorneys, is glad to be able to provide you with the following guidelines which will help you to keep your children safe.

• Always look both ways before crossing the street. Teach your children this routine: look left, right, and the left again before starting to cross, then continue to look both ways as they cross, and always walk, don’t run.

• When walking on a sidewalk or path alongside a road, always walk facing the traffic. If there are no sidewalks, walk as far left as possible.

• Make sure that your children understand the traffic signals in your area.

• If your child is under the age of 10, you should walk with him or her whenever possible when crossing a street or road.

• In low-light or dark conditions make sure your child wears light-colored clothing. Adding reflectors to your child’s clothing is also highly recommended.

• Provide boundaries appropriate for your child’s age regarding where he or she can play. If possible avoid unfenced yards, parking lots, driveways and streets.

Your Maine personal injury lawyers at Lowry & Associates will do everything possible to help you avoid dangers for you and your family, but if your child has been the victim of a pedestrian accident, call us for free advice on how you should proceed. Get our free book for the inside information you should know before deciding on hiring a lawyer.